Learn How Bail Bonds Work From a Company You Can Trust

If a person is arrested and wants to get out of jail, he or she will usually be asked to post bail. The bail amount is set by a judge in a court hearing. A bail bond is a money guarantee that the defendant will appear in court and in all the required proceedings until the case is over. Usually, the defendant can be released once the amount of bond has been determined by the judge.

Around the Clock Bail Bonds LLC helps clients in Warren, OH as well as other areas in Trumbull, Mahoning, Portage, and surrounding counties to post bail. When contacting a professional agent from our company, you can make the process time-efficient by having the following information accessible:

Defendant’s Name

Date of Birth

Date Arrested

County They Were Arrested In

Jail Being Held In

In case you cannot provide us with the necessary information, we can still help you. Call us today at (330) 395-7777.

Frequently Asked Questions

Disclaimer: When you sign for a person on a bond, you are taking that responsibility for them throughout the pre-trial phase. This should not be taken lightly.